Environmental Statement

Utility & Transmission Surveys Solutions Ltd are committed to environmental good practice in all elements of our activities and in doing so our company will:

Minimise energised waste as far as possible. Staff should support this objective by:

  • Making sure that lights are not left on at night
  • Turning off computers and monitors at the end of the working day
  • Turning off lights in offices where natural light is adequate

Strive to reduce energy wastage and the environmental impact of energy use by:

  • Considering the use of renewable or sustainable energy sources.
  • Buying energy efficient equipment where older equipment is retired.
  • Ensuring that company premises are well insulated and energy efficient.
  • Promote the recycling or re-use of waste materials, by-products or equipment wherever possible.
  • Comply with relevant legislation, statutory regulations & client requirements.
  • Set, review & amend objectives, and targets.
  • Consider the environmental impact of all products and suppliers it uses.
  • Use low impact transport for travel to and from work and travel for business. For example, use public transport to attend meetings wherever possible, including using trains to visit customers and suppliers.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging, video and audio conferencing, telephone and email.

The Company is committed to recycling products wherever this is viable.

Paper, cardboard, ink and toner cartridges should all be recycled. Other items may be recycled subject to the availability of recycling services. Staff to use recycling bins where these are provided for this purpose.

Where the company retires any old equipment, it will consider whether the equipment or its components can be sold or donated to interested parties rather than being disposed of.

This policy is communicated to all staff & is available to interested parties including the general public.

The company will review and revise this policy at regular intervals to ensure that it remains current and applicable to the company’s activities

This will assist in achieving Continual Improvement and lead to the progressive development of the Environmental Management System & will be supported by auditing to ensure adequacy, effectiveness, and compliance.

To download a copy of our Environmental Statement, please click here: